This "Agreement" (hereinafter the Terms and conditions) governs the procedure of cooperation and carrying out investment actions by the company (hereinafter – the Company ). And user of the website of the company, which is a member of the project of the Company (hereinafter – Client.) These Rules are subject to full confirmation by the Client when registering on the Site "", which is the main tool providing all the necessary functionality, information and access to all services of the Company. The client and the Company (hereinafter Sides) agreed and confirm full agreement with these Rules in their direct context sound and in the form set out below.

1. Generalities

1.1 Any natural person who at the moment can become the participant of the project registration on the Company's Website has reached the age of majority and which is fully tort capable, under the laws of his country of residence and under provided that the activities provided for in these Rules do not contradict laws his country of residence.

1.2 Passing the registration procedure on the Company's Website, as well as the subsequent cooperation, including investment actions, is only the decision taken by the Client voluntarily, without external influence, coercion or threats.

1.3 Passage of the registration procedure on the website is the final legal fact, confirming that the Customer fully accepts all the terms and conditions entirely and in in full ("as is"). Voluntarily gives his consent to the performance of all without exclusion of duties not only under these Rules, but also any other sections of the Company's Website (if provided), and receives certain rights, which are explicitly represented by the relevant paragraphs this rule.

1.4 All text, audio and video materials contained (or which have been, or will be contained) on the Website "", as well as the design of the entire Site or its fragments (with possible modifications and/or additions, inclusive), any another, the information and information blocks contained on the Website are intellectual objects that have the properties of the goods and fall under the protection of international Law's copyright and are the exclusive intellectual property Companies. Use of any video materials, company logo, text materials, articles in purposes that do not fall within the spirit and / or content of these Rules, That's possible only if such use is agreed in writing with legal company department.

1.5 The client accepts and agrees that all information, including articles, videos, opinions (including those of outside experts) published (or which can be published) on the Site, it is necessary and sufficient to consider exclusively as the content of a recommendatory nature. The responsibility for the consequences of use on the practice of the above content lies solely with the Client.

1.6 All disagreements and other disputes that may arise between the Parties in the process business interaction, are solved exclusively by negotiation to the final the satisfying Side of the result.

2. Rights and responsibilities of the Client

2.1 When passing the registration procedure in the project of The company, the Client must fill in the relevant section of the site registration form; the Client is obliged to specify only true, current and true information that necessary for the correct completion of the registration procedure.

2.2 The client performs investment actions (creates a Deposit) exclusively voluntarily, without coercion and on personal initiative; the Client is solely responsible for responsibility for all possible consequences of these actions, takes into account all farce majeure situations and risks.

2.3 The client has the right to invite new participants to the project, involving them in cooperation with the Company through advertising materials provided by the Company, by its unique referral links, as well as using for this other, but necessarily and exclusively legitimate ways. For example, using the Internet, messengers, as well as applying legal methods of advertising and posting information about project companies on the resources, which include thematic forums, social groups networks, sites.

2.4 The client undertakes to ensure the storage of his / her personal data and authorization data (name user and password) are completely safe and use to protect this data, and also to protect your personal computer, using which the Client performs investment actions, anti-virus programs and firewalls licensed and official origin.

2.5 Agrees and confirms that in case of violation of one or more items these Rules, the Company has the right to unilaterally apply to it the corresponding penalties applicable to each possible such case's.

3. Rights and responsibilities of the Company

3.1 The company provides the Client with round-the-clock access to information systems resources Site, through the use of the Client's personal account in the project system with moment's customer's confirmation of the terms and conditions of the company's Rules.

3.2 The company ensures the confidentiality of personal data provided by the Client, and also, information on financial transactions. Data about which are stored in bases data of the Company, including in the personal account of the Client. The company under any the circumstances does not convey provided by the Customer or appeared in the process interaction with the Client data to third parties. The company is not responsible for safety of the provided data in case the Client intentionally or not deliberately, failed or failed to provide the necessary level of protection for your personal data, account or in the event that the Customer voluntarily provided any information bearing the nature of private and confidential, to third parties.

3.3 The company grants the right to the Client to accept all terms and conditions of the User agreements, and undertakes to strictly comply with all its points.

3.4 The company has the right to carry out actions aimed at increasing the level of awareness of the Client about the events and activities taking place in the project Companies, by sending the relevant content to the Client's e-mail address notifications, requests for additional information, news Companies, announcements and other similar in form and content activities.

4. Investments

4.1 Accrual of profit is made daily, every hour in accordance with the existing on this specific point of the investment offer and in accordance with the terms and conditions specified on its website.

4.2 The profit due to the client from the investment amount invested by Him is accrued The client to the balance of his personal account.

Withdrawal of funds on the created request of the Client is carried out in an instant (instantly) mode, payments in cryptocurrency can take up to 30-50 minutes depending on the load of the blockchain network. provided that the denomination of the requested amount corresponds to the available balance account's Client's.

4.3 Creation of a request for withdrawal of funds is made by the Client independently, without participation in this Company.

4.4 The minimum withdrawal amount is 0.2 $, 10 RUB, 0.005 BTC, 0.05 ETH, 0.05 LTC, 100DOGE.

4.5 The client acknowledges, confirms and agrees that he / she will not submit claims against the Company, in case of violation of the regulatory terms requested for payment cash, occurred due to force majeure. Related to technical problems on the websites of electronic payment systems, with the use of which should have been made directly delayed payments or otherwise, not Company-specific reasons. The client acknowledges and agrees that the data factors of force majeure, as well as failures outside the company's project system, are factors that are not and cannot be within the competence and scope of responsibility of companies.